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Buchholz, Edith and Düsterhöft, Antje and Thalheim, Bernhard (1997) Capturing information on behaviour with the RADD-NLI: A linguistic and knowledge-based approach. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 23 (1). pp. 33-46.
Albrecht, Meike and Buchholz, Edith and Düsterhöft, Antje and Thalheim, Bernhard (1995) Ein Werkzeug zur Gewinnung semantischer Constraints aus natürlichsprachlichen Eingaben und Beispieldaten. Beiträge der Fachtagung Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW).
Albrecht, Meike and Thalheim, Bernhard and Altus, Margita and Buchholz, Edith and Düsterhöft, Antje and Schewe, Klaus-Dieter (1994) The Intelligent Toolbox for Database Design RAD. Datenbankrundbrief (13). pp. 28-30.
Thalheim, Bernhard and Düsterhöft, Antje (1999) Metaphor Development for Internet Sites. In: Proceedings of the NLDB`99.
Buchholz, Edith and Düsterhöft, Antje and Thalheim, Bernhard (1996) Capturing information on Behaviour with the RADD-NLI: A Linguistic and Knowledge Based Approach. In: Proceedings of the NLDB`96.
Düsterhöft, Antje and Lewerenz, Jana and Thalheim, Bernhard (1996) Datenbankentwurf im natürlichsprachlichen Dialog: Zur Dialogsteuerung im RADD-NLI. In: Tagungsband Workshop "Natürlichsprachlicher Entwurf von Informationssystemen".
Albrecht, Meike and Thalheim, Bernhard and Altus, Margita and Buchholz, Edith and Cyriaks, Heiko and Düsterhöft, Antje and Lewerenz, Jana and Mehlan, Holger and Schewe, Klaus-Dieter and Steeg, Martin (1996) Die Entwicklung einer Datenbankentwurfsumgebung der dritten Generation: RADD - Rapid Application and Database Development. In: Impulse für Informatik-Innovationen, Leipzig.
Buchholz, Edith and Cyriaks, Heiko and Düsterhöft, Antje and Mehlan, H. and Thalheim, Bernhard (1995) Applying a Natural Language Dialogue Tool for Designing Databases. In: Proceedings Int. Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Databases.
Buchholz, Edith and Düsterhöft, Antje and Thalheim, Bernhard (1995) Designing Skeleton Schemes Using Natural Language. In: 14th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (OOER`95 - Object-Oriented and Entity-Relationship Modelling).
Buchholz, Edith and Düsterhöft, Antje and Thalheim, Bernhard (1995) Designing Skeleton Schemes based on Natural Language. In: Proceedings 17th Int. Conference on OO-ER Approach.
Albrecht, Meike and Buchholz, Edith and Düsterhöft, Antje and Thalheim, Bernhard (1995) An Informal and Efficient Approach for Obtaining Semantic Constraints using Sample Data and Natural Language Processing. In: Proceedings Int. Workshop Semantics in Databases.
Albrecht, Meike and Altus, Margita and Buchholz, Edith and Düsterhöft, Antje and Thalheim, Bernhard (1995) The Rapid Application and Database Development Workbench - A Comfortable Database Design Tool. In: Proceedings 17th Int. Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering.